Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Winter Nature

This picture I took when I was in my backyard and on the trail. I saw this broken piece of wood and thought it would look like a great picture. You can see the snow still but it gives off a kinda dull mood to it I think.

Shutter speed: 1/40
Aperture: f/3.1
ISO: 80
Focal length: 6.5 mm
Flash: off
This is a vine grow up a fence by the side of my house and I thought it was pretty neat how this part of it was just out farther than the rest. The changes I made to it was turned it black and white, brightened the white, and changed the contrast.
Aperture: 1/40
Aperture: f/3.1
ISO: 80
Focal length: 6.5 mm
Flash: off


  1. I really like the first one of the stick. I really like how the background and snow are blurry and out of focus and the stick is in focus but you can still see the snow.

  2. The vine shot is has a stronger point of interest and is a stronger composition. B&W is perfect for it.
