Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Erika Larsen

The photographer that I really liked was Erika Larsen. I'm not sure why I do but there's just something about her pictures that just makes me want to look at more. I don't think I relate to her pictures at all because her style is cultural, up in the north or way down south in the snow with either animals, portraits, or both in each of them. She has been photographing for magazines since 2000. She was born in 1976 in america.

These pictures are fro her collection "Sami", where she spent three years with. There are 70,000 Sami, most in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. they are a very cultural group of people.

She thinks of these people as "living in two worlds, they are of the now. They are of the past."
This is my favorite one because I love how wide the shot is ,and all the elks are really small but there are many of them. most of her photos have this bright, white feel to them. Then a splash of color from the people in them.

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